Thursday, July 3, 2008

its been a while....good song

So yeah, it has been a long while since i've posted on here. Pretty much i got tired of people bugging me about it, and plus i'm bored.

I've got a job interview today, at 5:30. Its something to do with customer sales and such, and its supposed to be good pay. But we'll see how is pans out. On monday i have another job interview with this new cafe that is opening in sonoma at cornerstone. Its called sage. I really hope that i get this job, cuz i think it'll be more fun than selling random products to people. (the job i'm interviewing for today). But again, we'll see how it pans out.

oh, last week i got myself a new baby rat. His (current) name is rascal, but i'm thinking about changing it, cuz i dont think its what his 'true name' is meant to be. So if anyone has any suggestions as to rat names, let me kno....and please, nothing stupid. I just thought of something i might do: start a blog about my rats....idk, if i'm really bored, i might just do that.

so yeah, gotta go get ready for this job interview, cuz they want me to show up 15-20 minutes early. so yeah, ttyl.


jack said...

my babe is back on the blog
(happy dance)

Nathan said...
